Monday, January 25, 2010

How Much More Weight Can A Man Lift Vs. A Woman Swimming V Weights? Tell Me What You Think?

Swimming v Weights? Tell me what you think? - how much more weight can a man lift vs. a woman

I am 31 years old and go to the gym every day ... Weight daily for heart and swimming.

I want to keep muscles, but also fit, and crushed the stomach!
Is swimming and cardio exercise equipment that make muscles smaller? I do not have time to lift weights, which were made by small heart or swim waste! What I mean by that? Thank you guys!


Jeeper said...

If you try to muscle ... The sense of increasing its size - then yes - Cardio is contrary to the goal of his. Your body is much more likely to burn muscle-fat energy before the conditioning training.

"I do not do cardio at all?" No, but it was not his heart for fat loss ... should be responsible for general health. You should do mild heart to your heart brings to the quake, and only after a meal rich in carbohydrates (eg oatmeal). Make sure another meal rich in carbohydrates about an hour after the cardio workout obtained is complete. And I will not talk about it all ... Its goal is healthy cardiovascular system ... to get lose weight.

For most muscles, it is necessary to concentrate the bulk of their energy to lift weights. Then you eat large meals healthy (complex carbohydrates, proteins and natural oils), with plenty of fruits and vegetables with a low GI (preferably berries) several times during the day. Be sure to eat a meal high in complex carbohydrates for weight-lifting session.

When you eat, great work, but healthy, hold the cArdio at a low level again (only for the work of the heart and lungs, do not lose weight), which begins to gain weight. If your host HEALTHY ... The key ... healthy no quick or simple carbohydrates (etc.) you should get a list of Nice, muscle / fat gain ... somewhere around 70/30, 80/20 or more when you blessed with good genes. If you collect a point where your muscles / strength is so great that with the change to your weight loss goals is pleased ...

To cut the fat down, but keep the muscle have set, building month be even more vigilant. You must reach your weight-training and food rich in carbohydrates after weightlifting. Make up your cardio (HIIT is the best - High Intensity Interval Training ... Google if you do not know what it is) and really focus on fat loss. Your diet and eating habits are more important than ever before! You have to keep tons of protein in muscle and not to eat carbohydrates () no vegetables, weightlifting after a meeting. The rest of the time, proteins and vegetables ... no other caRBS.

After this course on nutrition and exercise, you should be able to reduce the fat, while maintaining the most (you lose a few) muscles. Then its just a matter of maintaining what you have.

Please note that your abdominal muscles to see, most men who fall below 8% body fat ... something that is not easy to produce and maintain. It takes a strong eat the right foods at any time. The guys who are regarded as compatible with rock hard abs and big institutions now fall into one of three categories:

A) He exercises regularly and eat healthy 99% of the time without cheating.

B) You are genetically blessed with superior genes and metabolism of muscle strengthening. (I hate these people ... they can be) easy

C) are driving and cocaine regularly and eat a good 50% of the time. (You know that cocaine increases your metabolism!)

For more information on the development of muscle, fat reduction, adequate nutrition for the form and ... Google Testosterone Nation. It is a forum that is large enough, there is a wealth of information andThousands of amateur bodybuilding / sports fans.

Good luck.

Kreach! said...


Well, I recommend swimming to lose, weight, and to get so the butterfly legs !!!!!
good luck x

Kreach! said...


Well, I recommend swimming to lose, weight, and to get so the butterfly legs !!!!!
good luck x

Kreach! said...


Well, I recommend swimming to lose, weight, and to get so the butterfly legs !!!!!
good luck x

Kreach! said...


Well, I recommend swimming to lose, weight, and to get so the butterfly legs !!!!!
good luck x

pdonnell... said...


Chris S said...

go with the weight

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