Thursday, February 18, 2010

Big Fluctuation Currency Pair Which Political Party Is Traditionally Pro-war, Pro-business, And Pro-deregulation?

Which political party is traditionally pro-war, pro-business, and pro-deregulation? - big fluctuation currency pair

According to the Democrats on the Yahoo! Today they are!

Insist that they have not changed their position on any of these questions. They always had these positions, and anyone who thinks otherwise is simply stupid, they said. ...
House scales back proposed rules on Wall Street
"Nearly half of Democrats, Republicans came Thursday evening at the ease restrictions on derivatives, and to reject stricter rules ...

"The legislation ensuring it imposes restrictions on derivatives, to prevent tampering and transparency in the global market of 600 trillion U.S. dollars. An amendment to the New York Democrat, Scott Murphy, passed 304-124 Thursday night, free enterprise, that the Trading in derivatives, notFinancial speculators, but to protect itself against fluctuations in the market, such as exchange rates or gas prices. The amendment also provides for an exception for companies that are not too big, are at a risk to the financial system.

"A Democratic effort to make businesses more regulated derivatives 279-150.

"On Wednesday, pro-business Democrats have managed it more difficult to enforce the states of their own consumer protection standards in the national banks. After a compromise with leaders and officials of the Treasury, states would not be able to forestall the federal consumer law if the state law "significantly" affect the activities of banks.

"The bill HR4173"


robert c said...


Anonymous said...

OK, so you're saying is Republicans who are these things? If so, why ***** now? I think if the Democrats have adopted the same platform as you have, you should jump for joy. Or if you have more reason to cry, if both parties had similar beliefs and goals?

Damsell With Stress said...

The Democrats also have brains that ... Not everyone has the tingling down his leg when Obama, Pelosi and Reed to speak. And although they have a D beside their name does not mean that you do not recognize that additional provisions for public companies and enterprises and small wounds 3 / 4 of the workforce and the American public.

David_th... said...

This is the Republican Party. Best of all, what political party supported economic growth, the working people live their lives without the crippling regulation and defense? This is the Republican Party until 2005. In 2008, Bush cut the following Bernanke and Paulson on release of the bond.


Big Beautiful Man said...

There is a difference between saying you are for something, and for that reason. The Republicans say many weak government, but I think it's always cause big gap for large enterprises and costly wars.

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